The calligram was inspired by the letter below. It was a long process, and while some of it is slightly creepy, I have to say I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.
Letter to myself 20 years in the future
Hey Shannon from the future,
I’m 20 years old sitting at my desk in Straz writing this to you. I’m curious about a lot, but let’s talk about the present for a minute first. I’m stressed, very stressed, but overall I’m doing pretty okay. This is the Covid semester of college, so things are definitely different than normal, but I really can’t complain. UT is still one of my favorite places in the world. Brooke was just born a month ago (she’s gonna be my age now as you’re reading this, WOAH). The rest of the family’s good, I just might’ve found the love of my life (I guess you can let me know if it worked out), and I miss Gi a lot. She better still be your best friend by the way. I’m currently working on working harder, staying positive, stressing less, praying more, being more grateful, and taking less for granted. But enough about the past, let’s talk about what’s happened since.
So how’d it all turn out? Are you living your dream life? Where did you move to? Tennessee? The Carolinas? Are you still in Florida? Did you ever move back to Pennsylvania and if not, do you still visit there often? Right now, I don’t really have much figured out and I really hope you can read that and laugh about how it all worked out on its own. What do you do for work? For fun? Do you have any new hobbies or skills? Are you married, who is he and how’s your life together? Do you own 5 dogs? Do you have kids and a beautiful, rustic, ranch house like you always wanted? Is country music still superior to anything else in the world, and more importantly, has it been completely ruined by now? Are you working at putting God first in everything you do? Do you still have the same beliefs you did when you were in college? I hope you’ve learned a lot since you were my age now, and I mean that in every aspect. I hope you’re smarter, wiser, more understanding, caring, and loyal than you ever were. I hope you never stopped falling more and more in love with the universe; I hope you never let anyone tell you not to do the things that make you you, and I hope you’ve enjoyed every good and poor decision that led to making lifelong memories. Most importantly, I hope you love yourself and I hope you’re happy. Are you?
The most love,
Shannon from the past
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